Skipper Senso

Remote control with integrated brightness and temperature sensor for indoor.

Device suitable for Venetian blinds, Rolling shutters, Awnings, Screens, Pergolas

Equipped with the Cherubini remote control system

Ergonomic design
Easy to use
Simple and intuitive programming

Skipper Senso

Remote control with integrated brightness and temperature sensor for indoor.

LCD colour screen 1,8".

Skipper Senso enables the desired light and temperature levels to be maintained inside the room. Shutters and screens will automatically adjust when the set thresholds have been reached.

During the summer months the Skipper Senso adjusts the opening and closing of blinds and screens to provide protection from the sun’s rays, whilst in winter it uses solar radiation to integrate the heating of the environment.

Easy to use: When desired light and temperature levels have been set by the user the remote control unit is placed in the appropriate location in the wall mounting bracket supplied.

The intuitive graphical interface ensures the Senso’s ease of use.


System Status Legend Skipper Senso


Main characteristics

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Technical features

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Academy Documentation


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